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Do it yourself

How to make a DIY fashion jar from an empty Nutella® jar

Here's an idea that will make all fashion lovers and tailors fall in love: all you need is an empty Nutella® jar, a bit of fabric, cotton, scissors and hot glue to create your tailor-made DIY masterpiece.

nutella®-Glas - DIY Bindfadenspender basteln


  • 1 empty Nutella® jar with lid

  • Roll of string

  • Scissors or piercer


  1. Bindfadenspender - Schritt 1
    STEP 1

    Position the roll of string in the jar.

  2. Bindfadenspender - Schritt 2
    STEP 2

    Cut or pierce a hole in the lid.

  3. Bindfadenspender - Schritt 3
    STEP 3

    Pull the string through the lid and screw the lid back on to the jar. Your string dispenser is finished.

Wusstest du…?

Das nutella® Glas besteht im Durchschnitt bereits zu 30%* aus recyceltem Material.

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