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Do it yourself

Make a plant jar from an empty Nutella® jar

Garden lovers, you’re going to fall in love! Make a stylish herb garden using an empty Nutella® jar. Just choose your plants and follow our simple step-by-step instructions to add a touch of green to your home.



  • 1 empty Nutella® jar

  • Pebbles

  • Potting soil

  • Plants


  1. Pflanzanleitung - Schritt 1
    STEP 1

    Fill the jar with pebbles to a depth of approximately 2 cm. This will prevent your jar from becoming waterlogged.

  2. Pflanzanleitung - Schritt 2
    STEP 2

    Fill the jar with potting soil, up to the top third.

  3. Pflanzanleitung - Schritt 3
    STEP 3

    Arrange the plants in the jar and fill with soil up to the rim. Gently press the soil down and add water.

    Tip: Make sure that no water is left standing in the jar.

Wusstest du…?

Das nutella® Glas besteht im Durchschnitt bereits zu 30%* aus recyceltem Material.

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