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Yoghurt and Muesli with Nutella®

10 min
To answer everything with more enthusiasm.

Share the recipe with the hashtag #nutellarecipe

Recommendations for choosing the ingredients: buy traditional muesli, the sort containing crushed grains, raisins and perhaps also dry/dried fruits. When it comes to the yoghurt, it doesn't matter whether it's thick or thin: whichever you prefer. All that's left is for you to enjoy your Yoghurt and Muesli with Nutella®.

Yoghurt and Muesli with Nutella®

INGREDIENTS for 4 portions

  • 250 g 0% Greek yoghurt

  • 200 g Muesli

  • 60 g Nutella® (15 g/portion)

For garnish
  • Forest fruits

nutella – an ingredient to prepare this delicious recipe

To prepare this delicious recipe, 15g of Nutella® per person is enough to enjoy!


  1. Yogurt and Muesli with NUTELLA@ - STEP 1
    STEP 1

    Start with 4 shaped glasses to which you've added a layer of muesli.

  2. Yogurt and Muesli with NUTELLA@ - STEP 2
    STEP 2

    Fill each glass with 15 g of Nutella®, 2 tablespoons of Greek yoghurt and some forest fruits for decoration. Serve immediately.

To approach the day with more enthusiasm. Share the recipe with the hashtag #nutellarecipe

We recommend using traditional muesli, the sort containing crushed grains, raisins and even dried fruits. When it comes to the yoghurt, it doesn't matter whether it's thick or thin, go with whichever you prefer. All that's left is for you to enjoy your yoghurt and muesli with Nutella®.

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