Certified Palm Oil Logo Trees | Nutella


100% RSPO certified sustainable palm oil and committed to no deforestation.

We are aware that the palm oil supply-chain faces environmental challenges, particularly concerning its impact on deforestation. That's why Ferrero is committed to leading the way in driving the sustainable transformation of the palm oil sector and has been one of the first global companies to obtain a 100% RSPO-certified segregated palm oil supply-chain.

Palm Oil Fruit | Nutella

Las claves de nuestro aceite de palma sostenible

¿Quieres más información sobre lo importante que es para Nutella® utilizar aceite de palma sostenible? Conoce las claves de nuestro aceite de palma sostenible ¡Esperamos que lo disfrutes!

Aceite de palma trazable

El aceite de palma que utilizamos para Nutella® es 100% sustentable, rastreable hasta los molinos. Se origina principalmente en Malasia (alrededor del 80% de nuestros volúmenes en promedio) seguido por Indonesia.

Nutella Map
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Aceite de palma 100% trazable

La RSPO ha desarrollado un conjunto de criterios ambientales y sociales que las empresas deben cumplir para producir aceite de palma sostenible (Certified Sustainable Palm Oil - CSPO). Estos criterios tienen por objeto aplicar prácticas sostenibles en el cultivo de aceite de palma.

El aceite de palma que utilizamos en Nutella® proviene de una cadena de suministro certificada como "segregada". Se obtiene de diferentes plantaciones certificadas y se mantiene separada del aceite de palma ordinario a lo largo de toda la cadena de suministro. A través de este sistema, nuestro aceite de palma es trazable hasta los molinos, garantizando que no proviene de plantaciones sujetas a deforestación.


Palm Oil Farmers Trees | Nutella

The 7 principles of RSPO

To be certified by RSPO, palm oil growers need to comply with the following seven principles (RSPO Principles & Criteria 2018 update):

Principle 1: Behave ethically and transparently

Principle 2: Operate legally and respect rights

Principle 3: Optimise productivity, efficiency, positive impacts and resilience

Principle 4: Respect community and human rights and deliver benefits

Principle 5: Support smallholder inclusion

Principle 6: Respect workers' rights and conditions

Principle 7: Protect, conserve and enhance ecosystems and the environment. As part of Principle 7, the criterion 7.12 requires that new plantings do not cause deforestation or replace any area required to maintain or enhance HCV - High Conservation Value. HCV are biological, ecological, social or cultural values of outstanding significance or critical importance within a landscape.

To discover more, visit here.



Palm Oil Trees | Nutella

Going beyond certification

To strengthen our commitments beyond RSPO certification, in 2013 Ferrero developed the Ferrero® Palm Oil Charter working together with suppliers to pursue a path that will avoid deforestation, species extinction, high emission of greenhouse gases and violation of human rights. Moreover, to further increase transparency on our supply-chain we regularly voluntarily disclose the latest traceability data on our supply mills. You can find the latest release here.

Ferrero is also a member of POIG (Palm Oil Innovation Group), an initiative comprising growers, manufacturers and NGOs working together to transform the palm oil industry. To discover more, visit here.


Did you know ?

Ferrero’s palm oil supply leads to -56%* GHG emissions compared to non-certified palm oil. This is the result of  a 2019  fully ISO 14044 compliant study to identify the environmental impacts of our palm oil sourcing.


* Per kg of refined, bleached and deodorised (RBD) palm oil.

Monitoring land use thanks to a network of satellites

To reinforce our principles on no-deforestation, we use tools such as the innovative Starling technology to monitor in near real time all our palm oil supply chain so to ensure it is deforestation-free. Thanks to this system, which uses a combination of high-resolution radar and optical satellite imagery, we can map out land use with a detail of up to 1.5 meters and identify potential deforestation. In this hypothetical case, we are able to investigate and take action accordingly.

Starling’s map discerns palm plantations, natural forests and other areas, now let’s discover how it concretely works in this video!

Palm Oil Scorecard | Nutella

Our efforts are acknowledged by WWF

Nuestros esfuerzos son reconocidos por ONG tan reconocidas como WWF. En su Clasificación de Compradores de Aceite de Palma 2021, que evalúa el apoyo de grandes empresas globales al aceite de palma sostenible, WWF enumera a Ferrero en 3ª posición como una empresa líder entre 227 empresas globales - y 1ª entre los fabricantes de bienes de consumo, con una puntuación de 21,7 sobre 24. Ferrero es una empresa reconocida por llevar a cabo acciones específicas y por sus avances para conseguir una industria global del aceite de palma más sostenible. Este resultado supone un gran estímulo para continuar nuestra labor.

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