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Do it yourself

How to make a pen holder from an empty Nutella® jar

Do you enjoy colouring, drawing, painting? Then you need to try this creative DIY idea: create a pen holder for all your markers and pencils using an empty Nutella® jar. Colour the jar as you like and customise it following our tips!

Lapiceros con tarros vacíos de Nutella®


  • 1 empty Nutella® jar

  • Spray paint

  • Self-adhesive lace tape

  • Double-sided adhesive tape

  • Cord or string

  • Scissors

  • Pens


  1. Lapiceros con tarros vacíos de Nutella® - paso 1
    STEP 1

    Spray the jar in the colour of your choice.

  2. Lapiceros con tarros vacíos de Nutella® - paso 2
    STEP 2

    To make sure the cord stays firmly in place, wrap some double sided adhesive tape around the threaded neck of the jar.

  3. Lapiceros con tarros vacíos de Nutella® - paso 3
    STEP 3

    Now you can wrap your chosen cord or string over the adhesive tape.

  4. Lapiceros con tarros vacíos de Nutella® - paso 4
    STEP 4

    Stick the lace tape around the jar. You can vary the position and number of rows of tape as you prefer.

  5. Lapiceros con tarros vacíos de Nutella® - paso 5
    STEP 5

    Now, simply fill your jar with pens. All done!

¿Sabías que?

El tarro de vidrio que estás a punto de reciclar ya está fabricado en promedio con un 30%* de material reciclado.

*Promedio anual calculado de acuerdo con las declaraciones de proveedores de Ferrero.

¿Sabías que?

El tarro de Nutella® está hecho de diversos materiales reciclables.

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