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Christmas decoration

Create a snow globe with a Nutella® jar

Do you like to make delicious Christmas treats with Nutella®? After you've prepared all your Christmas favourites, don't throw away the empty Nutella® jar. Why not turn it into an original gift instead? Just wash the jar and, in three simple steps, turn it into a beautiful Christmas decoration to give as a gift or use to decorate your home.

Esfera de nieve


  • 1 large, clean Nutella® jar (750 g)

  • 1 mini Christmas tree, approx. 12 cm high

  • Waterproof craft glue

  • 5g craft snow

  • 1 tsp glycerin (from the chemist)

  • Decorative adhesive tape or ribbon

  • 750 ml water


  1. Esfera de nieve - paso 1
    STEP 1

    Remove the card from the lid of the jar. Decorate the lid with the adhesive tape or ribbon. Tie a bow under the screw top.

  2. Esfera de nieve - paso 2
    STEP 2

    Stick the tree in the middle of the lid using waterproof craft glue, and leave to dry.

  3. Esfera de nieve - paso 3
    STEP 3

    Fill the jar with water up to about 2 cm below the rim. Finally, add 5 g of craft snow and 1 tsp of glycerine. The glycerine will stop the snow from sinking down too quickly and make it look like slowly falling snow. Screw the lid tightly onto the jar and turn upside down (lid side down).
    Your Nutella® snow globe is complete! Now all you have to do is to shake it. Make sure the lid is watertight.

    Note: if it’s left to stand for a long time, the liquid inside may become contaminated. Don’t allow children to play with the snow globe unattended, due to the risk of contamination, or the jar breaking. Do not drink the contents.

¿Sabías que?

El tarro de vidrio que estás a punto de reciclar ya está fabricado en promedio con un 30%* de material reciclado.

*Promedio anual calculado de acuerdo con las declaraciones de proveedores de Ferrero.

¿Sabías que?

El tarro de Nutella® está hecho de diversos materiales reciclables.

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