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Do it yourself

Create your DIY money jar from an empty Nutella® jar

Saving money has never been so fun! Follow the steps of this simple and creative DIY idea and decorate your moneybox jar with the theme you prefer. For example, if you are a football lover, cover your money jar with stickers of your favourite teams!

Piłkarska skarbonka z pustego słoika po kremie Nutella®


  • 1 empty Nutella® jar with lid

  • Green spray paint

  • Sticker with football designs

  • Cutter / craft knife

  • White paint pen or chalk pen


  1. Słoik pomalowany na zielony kolor
    STEP 1

    Carefully spray the jar green and leave to dry thoroughly. You can add a second coat if necessary.

    Tip: Carefully read the spray instructions on the canister, as each type of colour behaves differently on glass. Don’t forget to cover your work surface.

  2. Wycinanie szczeliny w nakrętce słoika po kremie Nutella®
    STEP 2

    Cut a slit in the lid using your cutter or craft knife (the slot of the money box). It should be 3-4 cm long and only a few millimetres wide. Now you can screw the lid on again.

  3. Słoik skarbonka DIY z wymalowanym boiskiem piłkarskim
    STEP 3

    Draw a football pitch on the green surface and decorate with the football stickers. All done!

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Czy wiesz, że…

Szklany słoik kremu Nutella® jest wykonany średnio w 30%* z materiałów pochodzących z recyklingu.

*Jest to roczna średnia wyliczona na podstawie deklaracji dostawców Ferrero.

Czy wiesz, że…

Słoik kremu Nutella® jest wykonany z materiałów nadających się do recyklingu.

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