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Christmas recipe

Thumbprint cookies by Nutella®

Thumbs up for your siblings. Siblings are just like these cookies: sometimes, they may seem hard on the outside but inside, they’re full of love. So, let’s bake these Thumbprint Cookies from your heart and fill them with Nutella® to wish your siblings a sweet Christmas!

30 min
Thumbprint cookies by Nutella® recipe Philippines

INGREDIENTS for 6-8 servings

  • 350 g flour

  • 130 g almond flour

  • 120 g brown sugar

  • A pinch of salt

  • 3 egg yolks

  • 200 g cold butter

  • 50 g dark chocolate shavings

  • 1/2tbsp. Nutella® per cookie


  1. Thumbprint cookies by Nutella® recipe img step 1 Philippines

    Preheat oven to 190 °C and sprinkle flour on your kitchen counter.

  2. Thumbprint cookies by Nutella® recipe img step 2 Philippines

    Put the flour, almond flour, sugar, salt, 3 egg yolks and pieces of cold butter together on the counter or in a bowl.

  3. Thumbprint cookies by Nutella® recipe img step 3 Philippines

    Knead the dough shortly and mix in the chocolate shavings.

  4. Thumbprint cookies by Nutella® recipe img step 4 Philippines

    Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Once removed, cut them down so that they are one finger in width.

  5. Thumbprint cookies by Nutella® recipe img step 5 Philippines

    Space out cookies on a baking parchment, press them with your thumb and bake them for 10-12 minutes.

  6. Thumbprint cookies by Nutella® recipe img step 6 Philippines

    Decorate with Nutella® for the topping.

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Good to know

Our palm oil is 100% RSPO certified sustainable and traceable and we are committed to no deforestation.

Good to know

All the cocoa we buy comes from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.

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