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Porridge with Nutella® and fruit

20 min
Porridge with Nutella® and fruit

INGREDIENTS for 8 portions / 1 bowl per serving

  • 400 g oats

  • 800 ml skimmed milk

  • For decoration

  • Raspberries

  • 40 g roughly chopped hazelnuts

  • 120 g Nutella® (15 g/portion)

  • 40 g sugar

nutella – an ingredient to prepare this delicious recipe

Za pripravo tega okusnega recepta zadostuje 15 g Nutelle® na osebo!


  1. STEP 1

    Put the milk and oats in a saucepan. Cook on a medium-high heat until the mixture thickens, then add the sugar and keep stirring.

  2. STEP 2

    Divide the mix into bowls and decorate each with 15 g of Nutella®, chopped hazelnuts and raspberries (or other fruit if you prefer). Serve at room temperature.

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A classic breakfast, reinvented! Try out our recipe for porridge with Nutella® and fruit now!

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Naše palmovo olje ima 100% certifikat RSPO (Okrogla miza o trajnostnem palmovem olju), je trajnostno in sledljivo, prav tako se zavzemamo, da ne bomo krčili gozda.

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Ves kakav, ki ga nabavljamo, prihaja s kmetij, ki imajo certifikat Rainforest Alliance. (Združenje za ohranitev deževnega gozda).

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