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Do it yourself

Homemade playdough in a Nutella® jar


Are you looking for a new DIY project for the whole family? How about making your own playdough? Your empty Nutella® jar makes for perfect storage. Happy moulding!

Homemade playdough in a Nutella® jar

To make it, you will need:

  • An empty Nutella® jar

  • Flour

  • Salt

  • Sunflower oil

  • Food colouring

  • Water

  • A deep bowl

  • A tablespoon

  • A measuring cup

  • A suitable work surface for kneading


  1. Put two cups of flour in the bowl.

  2. Add one cup of salt, four tablespoons of sunflower oil and one cup of water. Mix well.

  3. Once the mixture comes together, take it out of the bowl, place it on your work surface and knead well with your hands.

  4. Divide the mixture into three pieces and mix them with the food colouring. Your homemade playdough is ready!

  5. Place the finished playdough in the empty Nutella® jar and keep it in the fridge.

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Tarro de vidreo reciclado de Nutella
Did you know?

The glass jar you're about to upcycle is already made on average with 30%* recycled material.

*yearly average calculated according to Ferrero's supplier declarations.

Materiales reciclados de Nutella
Did you know?

The Nutella® jar is made of diverse recyclable materials.

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